• Ice flakes with syrup
  • Line down
  • Cable car
  • SL
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Yale Can PHOTO is an image search tool that uses Twitter API,, Instagram API, and flickr API.
Images related to #Nagatoro posted on Twitter,, Instagram, and flickr are displayed.

The search results for Yale Can PHOTO may include offensive images such as adults and grotesques. Please be careful when using it.
The operator of Yale Can PHOTO will not be responsible for any search result or content. All copyrights and other rights such as exemption are subject to the terms of use set by Twitter, Instagram, and flickr. Providing, delaying, changing, suspending, stopping, suspending or abolishing this service, sending or exchanging through this service, leakage or loss of accumulated information data, infringement of third party rights, etc., or other related to this service We do not take any responsibility for the damage of the user or a third party that occurs. The operator of Yale Can PHOTO does not provide any guarantee, including guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, usefulness, etc., of this service and information provided in connection with this service. When using this service, search keywords, search date and time, and IP address may be recorded. However, it does not identify an individual and does not transfer information to a third party. The recorded information may be used for the content of this service. (Example: Search keyword ranking)

Ale can is a new souvenir shape.
Unlike souvenirs so far, the goal is to have you become a fan of the tourist spot.
Have you become a fan of sightseeing spots,
It is a souvenir that connects you with your thoughts and encourages you to ale.

When you buy an ale can, a part of the sales is donated to the tourist spot,
It is useful for maintaining the environment and improving facilities in tourist areas.
In other words, purchasing is a shikimi that can contribute to the community.

If you buy an ale can and wear a passport object,
As a thank-you for contributing to the region and as a transmitter of the charm of the region
You can receive special "bonus" and "service" from member stores.

You can post this experience on SNS,
You can get ale cans and experience the same fun together
Collecting ale cans and passport objects from various places that will increase in the future.

Wear two passport objects together with your loved ones
With the intention of becoming the advertising manager of the tourist spot,
Participate in activities to create new fans!