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Interview: Ainokaze Toyama Railway Co., Ltd.

"Miniature bottle key chain" that faithfully reproduces the local sake bottles on sale on the sightseeing train

Ainokaze Toyama Railway Co., Ltd.Mr
Craft and range
  • Miniature bottle keychain
Processing method
  • Design production
  • Bottle dyeing
  • Full color printing and assembly
Purpose of use/application
Sales in stores and cars
Delivery date
20 days
Minimum lot
Quality standards
Could you tell us the reason for the commercialization and the background of your request?

We are aiming for a railway that is loved by the citizens of Toyama Prefecture as a nodule base for the network of public transportation in Toyama Prefecture, and we have been indebted to you for planning commemorative original goods when the new tourist train debuted. I was there.
This time as well, I wanted to sell promotional items and goods in the car for the same sightseeing train as last time, and when I revisited your company's website, which has a trading record, I noticed a "miniature bottle key chain".
We also sell Toyama's local sake on the sightseeing train with an original label, and I thought it would be interesting if we could use this as a miniature key chain, so we consulted about making it into a merchandise.

How was the product's particular points and the response from customers?

The standard color of the miniature bottles in stock at your company, green, was originally a bright shade, but I would like you to faithfully reproduce the color of the liquor bottles we sell, so first of all, the real bottle Was sent to your company and re-dyed in a slightly darker color than before.
I was particular about not only the color of the bottle, but also the design of the label, so I was able to make it look like the real thing, so it was a very wonderful workmanship.

We started selling it on the sightseeing train from the week when it was delivered, but it was very popular with everyone who got on the train, saying "Cute!".By making it look exactly like the real thing, it has led to sales and sales increase for sake bottles, and I am glad that it has a high appealing effect.

Do you have any comments about the fact that you are happy to request us?

At the same time, I was consulting about whether to attach a tourist train logo or a small box to the miniature bottle key chain, but this time I couldn't go that far due to the timing of the release.However, the bottle itself was very satisfying because it was treated with sincerity and politeness, from dyeing to the letters on the mount and label, even in a short amount of time.
We are planning to plan and sell a little expensive products in the future, so if you have a high value-added product that you have never seen before, we would appreciate it if you could introduce it.


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