Efforts for ISO certification
As a company that has acquired ISO9001 (quality), ISO14001 (environment), and ISO27001 (information) certification, we will meet your expectations.We provide products and activities that are kind to people and nature.
ISO9001(quality)Efforts to
We are making daily improvements so that we can provide high-quality products according to the JISZ9015-1 standard and Daio Seisakusho's quality standards.We also focus on improving the quality and satisfaction of our employees.
ISO14001(environment)Efforts to
We aim to provide products that are conscious of the global environment, such as the introduction of environmentally friendly materials and the creation of a system that does not produce defective products.In addition, we are raising environmental awareness through in-house training.
ISO27001(information)Efforts to
In order to prevent confidential information from leaking out, we sign a confidentiality agreement and conduct thorough management such as auditing.We are also working to raise the level of employee awareness and maintain and improve information security.