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Management Philosophy

Mission (mission to our society)

Let's make everyone happy!

As a leading company in the industry, with the slogan "Let's make everyone happy", we place top priority on our employees, improve their quality and satisfaction, and enable them to demonstrate their unique capabilities.・Through our business activities aimed at improving the environment and information security, we will incorporate the perspectives of contributing to the global environment and society, which will lead to the improvement of customer and supplier satisfaction, so that everyone can feel happy.

Conceptual diagram

Conceptual diagram

Vision (our vision)

Daio Seisakusho makes connections

We are an eco-friendly company that can continue to provide "things" that make people feel excitement and joy by creating not only products that connect things, but also services that connect people with the keyword "creating connections". We aim to be a style company.

Values ​​(Basic values ​​= our starting point)

  • Legal compliance

    As a matter of course, we comply with laws and regulations, and respond to trust with sound and honest activities.

  • Social responsibility

    We take the viewpoint of global environment and social contribution, and execute it

  • Coexistence

    We understand and accept the values ​​of others and always think and act to make everyone happy.

  • Inflexibility (Futtsu)

    We constantly increase the number of withdrawals to solve our customers' problems and respond to various alternatives.

  • Difficulty (Fueki) Fashion

    We value continuity and changeability, do not be afraid of change, continue to enjoy it and challenge it


  • We will continue to systematically improve our quality, environment and information security management systems to meet the expectations of our customers, suppliers and society, and make everyone happy.
  • We will comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to quality, environment and information security aspects, requirements included in contracts with customers and suppliers, and requirements agreed by our company.
  • Focus on the following items as action goals
  • 品質(ISO9001)

    We will improve the quality of products, the quality of individuals, the quality of our organization, and the quality of our company in order to be a company that can continue to provide "good things" that make people feel and be happy.


    In addition to promoting the development of environmentally friendly products, promoting the reduction of harmful chemical substances through manufacturing, resource conservation activities in sales and general affairs, and actively working to eliminate complaints, strive to ensure the safety of consumers and contribute to environmental conservation To do

    Information security(ISO27001)

    Protect your information assets from threats, ensure the confidentiality of information (prevent information leakage), integrity (prevent mistakes and falsification of information), and availability (prevent loss or loss of information), and maintain and improve it. Will continue

  • We will make this policy known to all employees working at our company and also publicize it outside the company.


Providing products
Measuring and reducing harmful substances
We are one of the first in the industry to reduce harmful substances such as lead and cadmium that are harmful to the human body, and are actively working to disclose information.In addition, in order to build a more reliable management system, we will deliver "safe" products by introducing a fluorescent X-ray analyzer in-house and continuing to monitor harmful substances at all times.
"a worry-free
Providing products
Thorough quality control system based on ISO9001:2015
When ordering from a customer, in order to understand the potential needs of the customer and set specifications to prevent problems in advance, to ensure quality in all processes from development to manufacturing and delivery to the customer. In addition, we have acquired ISO9001:2008 certification, and we carry out thorough quality control from material management at the time of purchase to production management at the time of manufacturing, guidance to manufacturing consignment factories, storage management in the warehouse, and we offer "safe" products. I will deliver it.
Providing products
Environmentally friendly system based on ISO14001:2015
The 1Rs ((2) Reduce (3) Reuse (3) Recycle) activities based on the Basic Law for Promotion of a Recycling-based Society are of course a matter of course. We are aiming to provide "friendly" products that are conscious of the global environment, such as eco-design design that takes into consideration the environment, and in addition to the conventional XNUMXRs, introducing and promoting repair methods that are "still usable" so as to avoid wasting resources ..
Product creation
Together with customers, original products that are not in the world
Our company also mass-produces standard products of XNUMX businesses, parts, sales promotion, proper and precious metals, but we are good at creating new parts and sales promotion products from scratch with our customers. is.
We are also proud that the products we develop are imitated by other companies.Even if it is imitated, there is nothing scary if you create a new one.

Extraction of needs

To identify potential (hidden) needs
In order to become a professional group that can not only respond to the actual needs of customers but also discover various problems and issues of customers and potential needs, and provide information, proposals and problem solving, we trust with customers We believe it is important to build relationships, share highly specialized knowledge experiences, and develop sharp insights. It is not uncommon for the products requested by customers to be embodied as completely different products (materials, shapes, applications, etc.).

Can "sympathize"
Creation of things

What makes customers feel touched and happy
From the era of selling "things" due to a decline in purchasing motivation due to the richness of goods, it has become the age of providing what "things" can be done using the "things." While enjoying the changes of the times, we can not only create products that connect things with the keyword "make connections" but also create services that connect people to each other to create "empathy" that makes people feel touched and happy. We aim to be a company that can continue to provide the benefits.

ISO certification acquisition

  • Acquired ISO2001:12 certification on December 11, 9001
  • Passed the ISO2004: 12 version renewal examination on December 10, 9001
  • Passed the ISO2007: 12 version renewal examination on December 10, 9001
  • Passed ISO2010:11 and ISO05:9001 integrated examination on November 2008, 14001
  • Passed ISO 2013:11 and ISO 05:9001 integrated renewal examination on November 2008, 14001
  • Acquired ISO2015:04 certification on December 02, 27001
  • Passed the integrated renewal examination of ISO2018:02, ISO22:9001, ISO2015:14001 on February 2015, 27001
  • Passed the integrated renewal examination of ISO2021:02, ISO22:9001, ISO2015:14001 on February 2015, 27001
  • Passed the integrated renewal examination of ISO2024:02, ISO22:9001, ISO2015:14001 on February 2015, 27001

Registration mark of the certification/registration agency: Leftmost, Perry Johnson Registrar (PRJ)
Accreditation mark of accreditation body: From the left, Japan Conformity Certification Association (JAB), American ANAB